What We at P40 Ministries Believe:
P40 Ministries believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God in its original text. It is without error and is fully complete. The Bible is the authority for faith and all of life.
P40 Ministries believes in the Trinity, which exists eternally in three persons – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
Father: We believe the Father is the creator of the universe, and the One who causes all life to exist. It is in Him that we have life. We believe that the Father is good and loving and that He is always faithful to His people.
Jesus: We believe Jesus Christ, born to the Virgin Mary, is fully man and fully God. He lived without sin and offered Himself to be crucified on a cross to rescue us from our sins. He rose from the grave and now lives in Heaven, one day to return to us to establish His new and perfect heaven and earth for all eternity.
Holy Spirit: We believe the Holy Spirit intervenes and helps true followers of Jesus. He convicts us of our sins. He regenerates the followers of Christ. He sanctifies, guides, teaches, and comforts the believer of Christ.
P40 Ministries believes that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received through man’s individual response to Christ’s act of substitutionary atonement on Calvary. (Eph. 1:7; 2:8, 9; John 1:12; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; Heb. 10:2; Rom. 10:12-17; Acts 16:30, 31; Mark 16:16)
P40 Ministries believes that man, created in the image of God has, by his own choosing, fallen into sin. This choice has broken our relationship with God and each other. Through faith in Christ, we gain forgiveness, a restored relationship with God as His children, the ability to relate in love with each other, and assurance of a future life with Him in glory.
P40 Ministries believes that God’s will is for heterosexual union in the bond of marriage for the purpose of procreation and the intimate relationship of the spouses, which is a picture of Jesus and His bride, the church. (Gen. 1:27, 28; 2:24, 25; Lev. 18:6-23; 20:13; Matt. 19:3-12; 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; 1 Tim. 1:10)
P40 Ministries believes that human life is sacred from the time of conception until natural death occurs. (Gen. 1:27; 5:2; Ps. 139:13; 119:73; Isaiah 44:24)