The spiritual gifts are often surrounded by mystery. There are surveys or tests we can take to help us identify our strengths and gifts. But the Bible gives four main passages of Scripture in the New Testament that talk specifically about the spiritual gifts.

Let's identify each passage and look at each spiritual gift that is listed. (Some of the gifts are listed in more than one passage.) You may identify some of your own gifts as you read through. Click on the large Scripture reference to read the complete passage.
Here's the list:
Encouragement or Exhortation refers to the ability to encourage and challenge people in their relationship with God.
Giving is the ability to live sacrificially and therefore give generously to those in need and to help make disciples in the local church and around the world.
Leadership or Administration is the ability to oversee and administrate in the church including event planning, overseeing people, the budget, and developing strategic ministries, etc.
Mercy refers to the ability to feel and show compassion to those who are suffering or in need. In Acts, Dorcas is an example of someone with this gift; she was known for doing good and helping the poor (Acts 9:36).
Prophecy refers to the ability to give a relevant and direct word from God. In the Old Testament, we see a lot of foretelling prophecy which is revealing previously unknown information about an individual, people, place, or event. These prophets were God’s messengers to speak directly on God’s behalf about what would happen.
Because we have the complete written revelation of God’s Word, it is important to remember that we are not able add to the words of the Bible or take away. Prophecy will never go against Scripture, nor is it a "Christian" version of fortune telling. A modern prophet may be able to properly diagnose a person or situation and proclaiming an authoritative word from God that instructs or exhorts, based on Scripture.
Helps or Service refers to the ability to discern needs and the willingness to help in various situations. People with this gift are exceptional servants.
Teaching is ability to explain Scripture in a clear and understandable way.
Discernment detects when spirits that are not of God by weighing their fruit against Scripture. Those with this gift have often been called the “watch dogs” of the church. When members are in danger of accepting hazardous teachings or activities in the church, the “watch dogs” identify the false spirits/teaching and sound the alarm.
Healing is the special ability to be used by God to heal those who are sick. Healing is always based on the will of God.
Tongues or Languages The ability to speak a language without any language training. For example, someone who doesn’t know Swahili begins speaking Swahili. In Acts we see it used for the purpose of spreading the Gospel to different people groups. The way it was done itself was pretty amazing as well. The Apostles were speaking their native tongue but all the different people groups there heard the message in their language. Later we see it being used in the church for the purpose of worship and prayer to God.
I Corinthians 14:2 says, “For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.”
This particular gift has a lot of controversial baggage throughout history, and there is much debate over how this gift manifests. Some only believe it is demonstrated in human languages as seen in Acts 2:6-11, when the apostles spoke in unknown yet human languages as they praised God before unbelievers. Others believe tongues refers to a heavenly or angelic language, which can only be understood by one with the gift of interpretation (1 Cor 14:5, 13, 27). Some see both of these possibilities as true manifestations of tongues.
Interpretation of Tongues or Languages is the ability to interpret those languages without any previous training.
Wisdom simply refers to the ability to give intelligent, enlightened counsel. In Scripture, people like Joseph, Solomon, and Daniel clearly had this gift, as they wisely counseled and guided people and organizations.
Apostleship probably refers to the ability to build and oversee effective ministries for the kingdom. (Eph 2:20). People with this gift typically serve as missionaries, or church planters, They are often multi-gifted, and have a very driven personality to see the big picture.
Faith is the ability to believe God for his promises.
Knowledge refers to those who seek to know and have the ability to investigate. They pursue God’s revelation and truth and then have the ability to communicate that knowledge.
Miracles refers to the ability to do supernatural works. For example, when Paul blinded Elymas the sorcerer to stop him from hindering God’s message, that was a miracle (Acts 13:8-11).
Pastors or Shepherds care for God's people. Elders are called to use this spiritual gift to shepherd or pastor the flock.
Evangelism refers to the ability to share the gospel clearly and comfortably.
Serving and Teaching were already described in the previous passages.
Many of these gifts are ministries every believer is called to do. All believers are called to evangelize, be merciful, serve, and teach others. People with these specific gifts help other believers in the body achieve what they are called to do.
By being around evangelists, we are challenged to grow in evangelism. By listening to a teacher, it helps us understand and teach Scripture as well. When being around those who are merciful, we learn to care for those who are hurting and in need.
Using our spiritual gifts helps to build up the body in many ways, including helping others obey God in those particular areas. It should also be noted that when we don’t use our gifts to serve the body, we weaken the church.
-Do you know what your spiritual gift(s) are?
-How are you using your gift to build up others?